Friday, May 11, 2012


Okay, I am needing some input. I have a few things that I will be talking about and please feel free to comment on any of them! I like every ones opinions, then I compile them into one and decide what's best for me :-).

First, Brayden seems to be going through a phase of throwing things. Now I have sat down and talked to him about this subject and with him being almost 22 months I am not sure that he fully gets what I am saying. He will throw just about anything too. I couldn't tell you how many times I have taken a hit off the bean. Some of his trains are metal and believe you me that hurts! He's has managed to hit more than just me too. I currently have tried the time outs and he will sit there for as long as I say but that has yet to help correct the issue. I If time outs aren't working then what. The one thing I haven't done and I totally didn't even think about it is taking away the things he throws. If it wasn't for his teacher making a comment one time recently when he threw his cup I don't know when that would have ever crossed my mind. It honestly may never have. LOL.

Second, B has started pushing his friends at school. This week I have found out he's doing quite a bit. I got a note letting me know about this and it broke my heart. Now I know he's not meaning to hurt anyone purposely or anything but it breaks my heart to know he'd even do that to his friends. I want to think in my mind that this is also a phase. Through my girlfriends having babies, I don't recall any of them telling me that their little ones did either of these.
Now, I move on to potty training. I am leaving work today and going to Babies R Us. I think the approach I am going with this is just to buy a little training potty. I seen there 2 weeks ago they had either a Cars or a Thomas Potty. I was thinking Thomas since he loves choo choo's.

Then, I also got him a Responsibility Chart. I was thinking I'd start that with him to help work with him on many things really. Not just the potty training. I am going to use it for that and then things like picking his toys up and eating and a few other things as well. What methods have you all tried and what's your take on what I think I am going to do? I'd starting this with him this weekend because in 2 months he moves from his Toddler room at daycare to the Two's room and in there they start training and I figured if I start now that will help him transition in school as well.

Lastly, at home we haven't really pushed too much on taking the next teaching steps. We have flash cards of vehicles, farming, misc and one other one and we did those so much he picked up really fast on what they all are. I ask him to hand me a specific one and he does. Plus now he will tell me what most are even if it's by a sound effect. He was probably doing all that around when he turned a year old. We should be working on his numbers, colors, alphabet and shapes. So I got a kit that includes all of those to go ahead and start working on that at home as well. Last week they dressed in a specific color each day and learned about the colors. I thought that was the best thing ever! Each week at school they focus on something new. It's great! Then when I am home with Brayden I can touch on what they learned about at school and he gives me looks like how the heck does she know that! It's too cute!!

Any ideas, thoughts, opinions...or just want to say hi please do! Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!!


  1. Kids often can't get what we say with words. I'd suggest actually crying. Tell him he hurt you and beg him go kiss the boo boo n give him a hug. This should hopefully start building his empathy. Use words afterword and tell him when someone throws things he can get a boo boo. Making the words more about him n what he could feel will sink in better than "people can get hurt when you throw things." Lemme know if this helps.

  2. If you are okay with physical discipline - and I'm not talking spanking - you can also take his hand abruptly and immediately. Now you don't squeeze or yank and I know that you won't. It's the abruptness that kinda sends it to the brain that "this is not safe". This can get the benefits of spanking without ever actually harming your child. I reserve it for safety issues. Again it has to be stern so he may react badly but it establishes your parental authority without making you feel like you're being cruel n power grabbing.
